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Book Title and Edition: No One Understands You and What To Do About It

Author: Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson, PhD

Condensed Review/Thesis: Feel like no one "gets" you? You're right - but what do you do about it?

Author's Background: Heidi Grant Halvorson is a social psychologist, Associate Director of the Motivation Science Center at Columbia Business School, sought-after speaker, and bestselling author.

Intended Audience: Anyone - leaders, employees, spouses, children, parents - who want to communicate more effectively and learn how to "send the right signals at the right times."

Larry's Two Cents: I saw this title and was immediately intrigued. Sometimes, I judge a book by its cover and pick it up strictly on the title and short synopsis. To my surprise, and delight, I discovered a must-read. Do you want to understand what is happening in your interactions with people around you - especially those with whom you work? Do you want to strive for greater clarity? Halvorson's book will help you figure it out.

Halvorson wrote this book to "help people understand why they are so often misunderstood, because it happens a lot." Sometimes, people fail to understand our meaning because of their faulty perceptions; other times, they see the truth - we're the ones who are blinded. No One Understands asks us to question our assumptions and recognize when we may be operating on distortions of perception. And it helps us put those lessons into action by providing clear guidance on how to communicate more effectively with everyone - in every aspect of your life.

If you're willing to learn - to make changes - in your communication style to ensure you are better understood by those around you, Halvorson's book has an abundance of insights. I had a particularly sticky relationship and didn't understand what was happening. A passage in the book provided a real "Aha!" moment. If you're looking for your own "Aha!", I highly recommend you pick up this engaging read.

When To Read This Book: Do you feel misunderstood or just now understood at all. Do people frustrate you when "they don't get it?" This book will help.


Larry Hart

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